
The Best Way to Divide Study Time and Careers Organization

The Best Way to Divide Study Time and Careers Organization – Lectures are not just to improve knowledge. However, it is also a place to improve soft skills. You can do this by following the organization. Unfortunately, many of you think that sharing college time with organizations is difficult. Not necessarily what you think is true.

It is not an easy matter to divide study time and organization. These two things are very important when you are a student. Besides good knowledge, it will be very useful if it is balanced with soft skills. Here are some ways to divide your study time and Careers organization that you can do so that your lectures are not interrupted when you decide to join an organization.

1. Create a Priority Scale

Yes, as a student of course you better understand a priority. Including lectures and organizations, which are your priorities? It is not difficult to choose which one to come first. By making a priority scale, it will be more effective to manage the time. For example, when you serve as chairman of a committee, you have to be more focused. However, if you are a member, of course, you can share your time with others. Because, as a member of the committee you work in groups.

The responsibilities will be shared. In contrast to the chairman who does have his responsibilities. This is what is meant by priority. While serving as chairman you can focus more on the organization. However, while serving as a member, you can focus on the course you are currently undergoing.

2. Consistent

You have made a decision that is to study together with running an organization. So, of course, you have to keep the decision. Every decision is taken as a risk. Including in carrying out lectures and organizations, there are risks. The most complained about is about time.

Haven’t you already made that decision? So, you must be consistent with what has been created. Feeling tired, bored, and lazy of course you are always present as a challenge. Your job, stay consistent on what should be done. Stay motivated and consistent because the benefits are not present at the time, but will be felt in the future!

3. Carefully Choose Organizations

Joining an organization while studying is certainly something that is allowed for all students. However, one must be careful in choosing the organization to be followed. Why is that? Because an organization is not something you can take lightly. Organizations need a lot of time for various activities. You have to give up the time that should be for college must switch to the organization. Preferably, you can choose an organization according to your interests.

Not only that, choose an organization that you can run as a student. Do not be tempted by the positions offered during the selection process. However, to what extent can you run the organization along with the lecture process. That is what is very important.

4. Don’t Procrastinate

During this time, are you a person who likes to procrastinate? If ‘YES’ then joining the organization is not the right thing. However, if it’s the other way around, you can carry out lecture activities while organizing. Because, when running an organization there will be a lot of work given. Especially, if you are an important person on the committee. For example, you become a member in the Equipment section.

Thus the review article about the best way to divide study time and Careers organization, hopefully useful.


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