Ways To Explore Your Careers Path Now
Ways To Explore Your Careers Path Now – With all the stories on social media about people “living their best lives” it can be stressful to know everything before you even graduate high school. Guess what? You don’t have to know everything. And to keep it 100 with you, no one has the whole answer.
Life is something we can all try to figure out! There are several things we can do to help us begin to make progress toward the kind of life we want to live and the way we dream of spending our time. Check out this list of some Ways To Explore Your Careers path now. This is just the beginning, but it can help you get closer to discovering if that career path is right for you.
1. Think Of The Path In Your Career As A Stepping Stone.
Did you know that the average person changes careers at least twice in their life? Just because you started as an accountant doesn’t mean you can’t try a career as a social media strategist, writer, or filmmaker! In terms of career, nothing is permanent.
If you view your career as a stepping stone, you remain open to exploring new interests and talents throughout adulthood. Think ABC job search. To clarify, ABC means Job (entry-level/getting your foot in the door), Better Job (level up in your career. Better pay, better degree, better benefits, etc.), Career job (full time, permanent, benefits, and career growth). Travel will help you achieve your ultimate career goal.
2. Make A Career Plan.
How will you get to your desired destination? Where will you start? Can you reach an entry-level position for the company you want to work for and then move up? Can any volunteer or entrepreneurial opportunities out there help give you the experience you need? There is more than one way to achieve all of your goals.
Make a simple map of the career path you want. Think about the basic steps you want to take to help you achieve this. Use the internet to search for educational requirements, professional organization, type of experience, and anything else you may need to achieve your goals.
3. Consider Your Strengths And Passions.
Do you love working with children but don’t know what job you can get that will allow you to do that? There are so many choices! No matter what your strengths and passions are, we can guarantee that there is a career connected to them. And if you spend your day doing something you are naturally kind and loving, you will find it hard not to be happy with your job.
4. Interview Information.
Ask others about their career paths. If there’s a career you’d like to explore, interview someone who is working in that career now. If your school hosts career days, it’s a great opportunity to learn about careers and then connect with people who work in your area of interest.
Your teachers and school counselors are also good resources to help you connect with someone who is doing what you want to do someday. And don’t forget about the people in your environment. You may find someone at your local community center, place of worship, or even on your block who knows someone, you can interview.